4. Setup and Status Display
FXA3000 Series
User Name
Set the authentication user name for RADIUS authentication as alphanumeric characters with a maximum
length of 32 characters.
Default setting : (Blank)
User Password
Set the authentication password for RADIUS authentication as alphanumeric characters with a maximum
length of 32 characters.
Default setting : (Blank)
Certificate Registration
Register (upload) the certificates required for RADIUS authentication.
When you click the button to register certificates, the certificate registration frame will open. Browse to a
file in that frame and upload the certificate to the device with the "Register" button.
Next to the button to open the certificate registration frame is a message that indicates whether or not that
certificate has been registered. When the certificate is registered, "Registered" is displayed. When not
registered, "Not Registered" is displayed.
This message is reflected by clicking the "Confirm" button or by reloading the page after the certificates
are registered (uploaded).
Default setting : (Not Registered)
Converting certificate files from PKCS12 format by OpenSSL
PKCS#12 format client certificate: user1.p12
Password of client certificate: user1
DER format client certificate: user1.der
DER format private key: user1-pkey.der
1. openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -nodes -in user1.p12 -out user1-pkey.pem -passin pass:user1
2. openssl rsa -in user1-pkey.pem -inform PEM -out user1-pkey.der -outform DER
3. openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -in user1.p12 -out user1.pem -passin pass:user1 -passout pass:user1
4. openssl x509 -in user1.pem -inform PEM -out user1.der -outform DER
▼WPA Settings
Group Key Updating Interval (sec)
When the encryption is set to "WPA", "WPA2", "WPA-PSK", “WPA2-PSK”, or "WPA-AUTO-PSK", set
the group key updating interval in seconds.
This setting can be configured as 0 (disabled) or between 120 (2 minutes) and 259200 (3 days).
When set to 0, the setting is disabled and group key renewal is not performed.
Default setting : 3600
▼PSK Settings
WPA Pre-Shared Key (PSK)
When the encryption is set to "WPA-PSK", “WPA2-PSK”, or "WPA-AUTO-PSK", set the WPA
encryption key (PSK: pre-shared key) to use for encryption.
Enter the value as alphanumeric characters between 8 and 63 characters.
Default setting : (Blank)