4. Setup and Status Display
FXA3000 Series
This setting is available when the unit type is "Station" and the wireless connection mode is "Compatible
To connect multiple PCs under this device, set to "Enable".
When set to "Disable", only one PC can connect under this device.
When the unit type is "Repeater", this setting is not available in VAP2. It is forcibly set to enabled.
Default setting : Disable
Static Node Address
This setting is available when the unit type is "Station", the wireless connection mode is "Compatible
Infrastructure", and the multi-client function is "Disable".
Enter the MAC address for the PC that will connect to this device. Normally this setting is required when
connecting to a device that will only receive communications, such as a POS terminal.
When not using this function, enter the MAC address "00-00-00-00-00-00" which indicates it is disabled.
This setting is not normally required, so it is set to "00-00-00-00-00-00".
Enter the MAC address as two characters, a hyphen, two characters, and so on. (Ex: 00-80-4C-00-00-00)
When the unit type is "Repeater", this setting is not available in VAP2. It is forcibly set to disabled.
Default setting : 00-00-00-00-00-00
Roaming Threshold
This setting is available when the unit type is "Station".
When the RSSI value for the connected access point falls below the set value, the station scans access
points and searches for an access point that it can roam to.
This value can be set as 0 to 106. The larger the value, scans happen more often (roaming happens more
easily). The smaller the value, scans happen less often (roaming happens less easily).
When the unit type is "Repeater", this setting is not available in VAP2. It is forcibly set to disabled.
Default setting : 24
Scan Channels
This setting is available when the unit type is "Station".
Select the channels to be scanned.
Note that communication between access point that is not set to the channel to be scanned is not possible.
Default setting : (All)