4. Setup and Status Display
FXA3000 Series
Ping IP Address
When the link down condition is set to "Ping", set the IP address for the device to ping.
Set the IP address for the device to ping to a device connected to this device by the wired network.
Be careful not to set the IP address for a device that cannot be pinged when this device starts, such as
setting the IP address to a device on the wireless network.
Default setting :
Ping Interval (sec)
When the link down condition is set to "Ping", set the interval to ping the IP address between 1 and 65535
Default setting : 60
Ping Response Wait Time (sec)
When the link down condition is set to "Ping", set the interval to ping the IP address between 1 and 65535
seconds. Set this value between 1 and 15 seconds.
Default setting : 3
Ping Retry Count
Set the number of times to retry pinging the IP address from 0 to 15.
When a ping timeout occurs, the ping is retried within the number of times set here. If all the pings
timeout, the ping is judged to have failed.
Default setting : 3