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Using the one-shot function
The digital outputs can be set for a given time from 1 to 10 hours. When this command is received, the DO sets
to 1 and after the number of seconds the DO falls back to 0. The one shot function is called by selecting the DO
followed by a ‘t’ for time and the time in seconds. E.g. whe
n you send
the DO is set for 10 seconds.
The one-shot function sends two answers, one at the start and one at the end of the sequence.
: see user defined functions to define own instructions.
React on RING
This function enables toggling a DO on a RING (phone call) command. When one of the selected users in the
settings tab dials the number of the module it toggles the DOs and breaks the connection. The caller receives a
SMS message with the status of the DO.
When the output timer value is set the output status is set to 1 for the amount of seconds set. If the output
status is already 1 this is kept for the amount of seconds and then set to 0.
Clear the output timer value in the user interface to disable the timer function.
Link DO to UI
The first DO can be linked to the first UI, the second DO to the second UI and so on. When a status change on a
DI1 is detected the DO will adopt this status.
The status of the DO can always be overruled by an SMS message setting the output(see above). If the output
has already the same state as the linked input the output will not change.
When the UI is set to analog the DO status is 0 when the AI status is normal. The DO status is set to 1 when the
AI status is either low or high.
: This function can conflict with the SMS and RING instructions.
Activate when GSM connection is lost
Select to activate an output when the GSM connection is lost. The output deactivates as soon as the GSM
connection is re-established.
: This function can conflict with the SMS and RING instructions.
Preserve status on startup
Choose if the status of the output is preserved on restart or power cycle. If deselected the output will be
Wiring example
In the following example the DO is connected as normally open.