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The min. value represents the scaled value for 0V
The max. value represents the scaled value for 10V or 20mA
Lower limit threshold
Upper limit threshold
Minimal change (hysteresis)
Send only the user defined text, this sends only the text defined in the message box, no module name,
IO name and timestamp.
The Analog Inputs can generate messages including value and unit when:
The upper limit + hysteresis is reached
The lower limit
hysteresis is reached
The status recovers between the upper and lower limit +/- hysteresis
The min./max. and threshold/hysteresis values are limited to 5 digits with a maximum of 2 decimals.
A delay in seconds can be set which a changed AI has to exceed before it is accepted, during the delay the UI
led blinks. If the status of the delay is changed back again to the previous state before the delay is expired the
change is discarded.
Clear the delay to disable detection delay.
Wiring example
In the following example Ai1 is connected to an analog source.