GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
15. Troubleshooting
Manage the problem
None of the LED 1 – 3 is
permanently enlighted
after flashing or LED test
(The device is not switched
to the „active mode“t)
If the device is switched to the „active mode“ (scharf)
the LED at the input „SCHARF“ is enlighted perma-
nently afer 40 seconds.
LED 2 is not entighted per-
(No GSM- network is to be
Please check, if the PIN of the SIM-card is de-
Please check, if the antenna is connected properly
and in a position able to receive the GSM- network.
Please check with a mobile phone, if it is possible to
use the GSM network at the position of the GSM
Please check the function of the SIM- card Karte by
using a mobile phone.
LED 3 is not entighted per-
(The device does not find the
informations in the phone-
book of the SIM- card)
Please check, if the SIM- card is in a correct position.
Please check, if all informations are stored correctly
in the phonebook of the SIM- card.
Please make sure that the informations really are
stored in the phonebook of the SIM- card and not in
the phonebook of the mobile phone! To verify this,
please put the SIM- card into another mobile phone.
If you don’t find the informations in the phonebook
then it is for sure that they are not on the SIM- card.