GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
book entry. If no text is attached the standard text Alarm1 to Alarm4 will be used.
The text may have a length of up to 12 characters.
SMS that is sent Remark
individual text
individual text
123456789012 Numbers, more than 12 chars
Please note that using configurable text a maximum of 12 char-
acters will be sent (as shown in the example of SMS 4).
g.) Reserved for futuree use (Ssf- key 7)
This key is reserved for future functions and has to be set to „0“.
h.) Activation of GPS funktion (Ssf- key 8)
If this key is set to 1, the GPS funktion is aktivated. To use this the device needs a
GPS receiver. If used without GPS receiver a malfunction of the GSM Scout will
happen. If GPS function is used the phonebook entries have to be made according
to the description of chapter 10.
i.) Store actual GPS- position when set to „active mode“ (scharf) (Ssf- key 9)
If this key is set to 1 gesetzt, the GSM Scout will update and store the position each
and every time when the device is set to “active mode”. If the device is set to “active
mode” (schard) the position that is stored on the SIM- card will be updated with the
next valid position which is acquired by the GPS receiver. This function allows the
owner of a mobile object like a car or a ship that he only has to switch the GSM
Scout into the „activity mode“ when leaving. If a new position is founfd by the GPS
receiver this automatically is stored as the new „Home position“.
It is neccessary that the device has a position with fair GPS
reception. If no position is acquired by the GPS receiver the
device will wait until a new valid position is found.
j.) Parallel SMS to all stored phonebook numbers (Ssf- key 10)
If this key is set to 1, all events that are recognised at the inputs are sent as SMS to
all phone numbers that are stored on the SIM- card.