GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
sent, if the switch or contact of this input is closed (SMS only, if the device
is switched into the actice mode).
The functionality is indicated by three additional LED:
LED 1 (Fig.2) shows, if the device is activated or deactivated. The activation
/ de-activation is set by the input „Scharf“ (active). A delay of 40 seconds is
programmed. If the device is set active by an SMS no time delay is pro-
grammed. The GSM Scout will become active immediately after the SMS is
LED 2 (Fig.2) shows, if the device was able to establish the contact to the
provider of the GSM network.
LED 3 (Fig.2) shows, if the GSM Scout successfully was able to read all re-
quired informations from the phonebook of the SIM- card.
Additional functions of the LED 1 to 3:
After the device is set into function all three LED are enlighted for a short
moment. This is a test for function that shows the the device is operating.
Please note that in case of using the Ssf- functions the LED are
flashing with a high frequency in order to show that the device
is using the Ssf- settings (refer to chapter 12 „Ssf- functions“).
As long as the GSM Scout actively uses the GSM- modem (reading SIM-
card, contact provider, send SMS) all three LED are enlighted permanently.
Going into the sleep- mode the LED perform a blinking in order to save
energy. Even in the sleep- mode the indication- function of the LED is ac-
Connecting an additional LED as external indicator for „active” or „de-
active“ modus
If it is neccessary to indicate the status of the GSM Scout out of the housing
of the device, an additional green LED (calbe as long as desired) can be
connected (refer to „C“ in Fig.3). The resistor for this LED is provided on the
PCB of the GSM Scout.