GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
Pos1 and Pos2 describe the degree of latitude and degree of longitude.
The co-ordinates are stored in the device encoded according to the NMEA- protocol
National Marine Electronics Association)
, as soon as the GPS- re-
ceiver has determined a valid position. In that case (valid position) the green LED
(„1“ in Fig.6) will be enlighted.
The storing of the position in the phonebook is performed manually by pressing the
„positioning button“ („2“ Fig.6) or automatically by setting the GSM Scout GPS
into the „activity mode” (directly at the device or by SMS).
The entry in the phonebook Pos3x is foreseen to define an „aerea of allowed loca-
tion” in steps of 100 meter. In the example given at page 16 Pos37 is given. In this
example the 7 in Pos3x defines a square of 7 x 100 = 700 meters (length / width),
with the position stored on the SIM- card in the middle. If this aerea is left by the
object the device will send a SMS to the phone number that is stored in the phone-
book entry GPS. It is possible to enter in Pos3x values foe x from 1 to 99. So, values
for the square aerea from 100 to 9900 meter are possible.
To avoid unwanted messages caused by „unstable GPS-posi-
tion“ it is recommended to define a minimum length and width
of aerea of 300 meter (example: Pos33).