GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
Insert the SIM- card into a mobile phone.
Switch off / deactivate the PIN- number of the SIM- card by the specific
function of the mobile phone (menue safety). (SIM- cards, that do not allow
the de- activation of the PIN are not suited).
Move to the menue „PHONEBOOK“ of your mobile phone. Choose the
phonebook that is stored on the SIM- card. You are able to check if you
have configured the right phonebook by inserting the SIM- card into another
mobile phone. If you are able to read the phonebook there the phonebook
of the SIM- card is used.
As shown in the example below, please put in four names and phone num-
bers. Every entry addresses a spcific event:
SIM- card
event that is addressed
phone book
You can choose the Telefone numbers deliberately. If you do not want to
use an event, please, do not put in a phone number. In the example
shown above Sms2 is unused. However, the phonebook entry SMS2 has
to be made in the phonebook, because the GSM Scout is searching for all
four entries when starting!
Please note that in case of wrongly entered phone numbers a
correct function of the device is not possible. The GSM Scout
then is not able to send the SMS to the correct recipient.
All 4 entries have to be made in the phonebook of the SIM- card.
Please as well take care for using capitals for the first character.
Please note as well thet for a GSM Scout GPS additional entries
on the SIM- card have to be made (for details, refer to chapter