Enter Setup If No Boot
Select whether the setup menu should be started if no boot device is connected.
Enable Popup Boot
Select whether the popup boot menu can be started.
Boot Priority Selection
Device Based
Type Based
Select between device and type based boot priority lists. The “Device Based” boot priority list allows you to
select from a list of currently detected devices only. The “Type Based” boot priority list allows you to select device
types, even if a respective device is not yet present. Moreover, the “Device Based” boot priority list might change
dynamically in cases when devices are physically removed or added to the system. The “Type Based” boot menu is
static and can only be changed by the user.
Power Loss Control
Remain Off
Turn On
Last State
Specifies the mode of operation if an AC power loss occurs.
Remain Off keeps the power off until the power button is pressed.
Turn On restores power to the computer.
Last State restores the previous power state before power loss occurred.
Note: Only works with an ATX type power supply.
AT Shutdown Mode
System Reboot
Hot S5
Determines the behavior of an AT-powered system after a shutdown.
System Off Mode
G3/Mech Off
S5/Soft Off
Define system state after shutdown when a battery system is present.
Fast Boot
Enable or disable boot with initialization of a minimal set of devices required to launch active boot option. Has no
effect for BBS / legacy boot options.
1. The term ‘AC power loss’ stands for the state when the module looses the standby voltage on the 5V_SB pins. On congatec modules, the
standby voltage is continuously monitored after the system is turned off. If within 30 seconds the standby voltage is no longer detected,
then this is considered an AC power loss condition. If the standby voltage remains stable for 30 seconds, then it is assumed that the system
was switched off properly.
2. Inexpensive ATX power supplies often have problems with short AC power sags. When using these ATX power supplies it is possible
that the system turns off but does not switch back on, even when the PS_ON# signal is asserted correctly by the module. In this case, the
internal circuitry of the ATX power supply has become confused. Usually another AC power off/on cycle is necessary to recover from this