7 . 5 C u t t e r l o c k
The 18 Series granulator is equipped with a cutter lock.
The cutter lock brakes the cutter belt pulley with aid of a mechanical brake.
The cutter lock is activated automatically when the hopper opens.
The cutter lock can be opened manually
The cutter lock can be opened manually during cleaning, service and maintenance
of the granulator.
Check the function of the cutter lock every three months.
Check that the cutter lock is automatically activated when the hopper opens and
that the cutter brakes.
If the cutter lock not brakes the cutter, contact Conair’s service department in order
to change the rubber damper to the cutter lock.
Changing the rubber damper
Changing the rubber damper is not a simple matter.
To change the rubber damper must:
• The side plate on left side of the granulator be removed.
• The upper side cover on left side of the granulator be removed.
• The cutter belt pulley be removed:
– reduce the drive belts tension
– remove the drive belts
– remove the cutter belt pulley by using a puller
and a lifting device
Then the rubber damper to the cutter lock can be changed.
Cutter lock in locked position
Cutter lock in open position
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