1 1 . 1 K n i f e p r e - s e t t i n g f i x t u r e
( c o n t i n u e d )
Pre-setting of knives
An 8 mm hex wrench and a 0.20 mm feeler gauge, to pre-set all knives in the
granulator, is in the granulator tool bag.
Screw the adjustment screws in somewhat (into the knife) on the knife which is
to be pre-set.
Place the knife in correct position on the knife fixture and so that the knife
adjusting screws are accessible through the holes in the fixture.
The knife should lie with the knife edge backward and upwards.
Put an 0.20 mm feeler gauge between the the edge of the knife and the rear of
the fixture.
Use the hex wrench (8 mm) unscrew the adjustment screws until the feeler
gauge begins to bind.
Then the pre-setting is completed and the knife can be installed in the
The knives must be
sharpened before pre-setting.
All the knife adjusting
screws should be set!
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l O p t i o n s