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Revision 2
Amplifier Communication and Protocol, XTRT, Touchscreen TWTA
Summary Status
Command Byte
: '1'
: "AB" formatted as follows:
Byte 'A'
Bit 7: Reserved
Bit 6: Complement of Bit 5
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 4: High Voltage On
Bit 3: Standby
Bit 2: Remote Mode
Bit 1: Constant Power On
Bit 0: RF Inhibited
Byte ‘B’
Bit 7: Reserved
Bit 6: Complement of Bit 5
Bit 5: Summary Fault
Bit 4: Heater Standby
Bit 3: Output Power changed 0.2 dB since last Power
Out query
Bit 2: Alarm Exists
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 0: Auto HV ON (HV selected, but HV not ON)
If High Voltage ON and Standby are both zero, the amplifier is in “Filament Time Delay”.
RF can be inhibited through the user front panel or by serial command.
Command Byte
: '0'
MMMMMMM is the amplifier model number.
V is the firmware version number.
RR is the firmware revision level.
Optional Parameter:
“00” Returns the following:
MMMM-MMM is the amplifier model number.
SSSSS is the amplifier serial number.
V is the firmware version number.
RR is the firmware revision level.
YYYY is the Firmware compile year.
MM is the Firmware compile month.
DD is the Firmware compile day
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