Rev.01 03-27-17
Page 46 of 67
To allow the PC to access the pCOWeb:
The PC used for the configuration must be in the same sub-network as the pCOWeb; set
the network parameters on the PC as follows:
IP address= if DHCP: ask the network administrator; with “factory bootswitch
parameters”: (with as desired, as long
as different from
the 0.1 already used by pCOWeb);
The browser on the PC must have the option corresponding to the use of a proxy server
disabled. If the network settings on the PC and the browser are correct, typing the IP
address of the pCOWeb in the address bar will access the default home page of the
pCOWeb. Then enter the area reserved for the administrator, using the special link (Go
to Administrator Area) and the following pre-set account:
username= admin
password= fadmin
e basic parameters for communication and access are located in the “Configuration” area.
Choose “Network”: the primary IP address of the board and three aliases can be set.
To configure the DHCP function type “DHCP” in the place of the IP address. If the
network does
not use DHCP, ask the network administrator for a valid IP address and Netmask for the local
network that the controller will be connected to.
Figure 31 - PCOWeb
Figure 32 - Window cover
Figure 33 - Installing PCOWeb
Figure 34 - Installing plastic cover