This is a list of the things you may need to get your Composite-ARF IMPACT in the air. Some of
them are mandatory, some of them can be chosen by you. We know that F3A and Pattern fliers
have their own favourite hardware and equipment, and what we list here are recommended
parts, and have been thoroughly tested.
Servos (5). We recommend JR8411’s for ailerons & rudder & JR3281 for elevators.
Alternatively, Futaba 9151 for Aileron/Rudder, 9650 for elevators and 9602 for throttle.
Throttle servo for gas/glow motor. Any standard servo will do (eg: JR/Graupner 4041)
Spinner 90mm dia (3.5”), eg: Optional moulded carbon spinner from C-ARF, or Tru-Turn.
Main wheels 60 - 65mm (2.25 - 2.65"). Kavan Light or Dubro Light wheels recommended.
Engine. Any F3A engine with a clean record (eg: OS140, YS140/160DZ, Mintor 3M
140/170 etc.) Also possible is one of the new small gas engines, like the ZDZ40. Electric
motors recommended are the Hacker C50 (geared) or the Plettenberg Xtra 25-13.
Exhaust system, muffler or tuned pipes if using gas or glow engine.
Speed Controller and Flight Batteries if using Electric power
High quality servo extension cables, switches, etc with gold connectors.
9. Receiver
10. Fuel tank (500 - 700 ml) for gas or glow motor. We use Dubro 16/20/24 ounce.
Propeller, to suit motor choice.
Did you read the Hints and warnings above carefully ?
Do you understand everything in this manual completely?
Then, and only then, let’s start the assembly of your Impact!
About the IMPACT
The new Composite-ARF IMPACT is not really an ‘ARF’, like our other ‘planes. It is not a
beginners model, and not a trainer. We expect some experience in building and flying with this
type of contest plane, but you do not need experience of fully composite structures - as it is
very simple and you will learn a lot following this instruction manual.
We have tried to approach the professional pattern flier, as well as the ones that want to enter
this exciting class of competition flying - and at the same time give you as many choices as
possible to use your individual techniques, accessories and hardware. We know that most
modellers in this class have their own favourite hardware and products, and this kit will allow
you to follow your preferences. However, we have included the main hardware for the flying
surfaces and landing gear, and it is all well proven and tested. Use it if you wish.
Likewise there is no motor mounting hardware included in the standard kit, but we have includ-
ed the main firewall and nose ring, in case you wish to use these. There are many optional
items available from us for this fine kit, including a standard engine mount for glow engines, a
carbon spinner, an ‘Electric Flight’ option pack, and you can find these detailed on our website
on the Impact page, under ‘Related Parts’.
As technology advances and customer requirements change Composite-ARF will continue to
design and manufacture new aircraft and follow our customers wishes and the latest trends.
We hope you will enjoy building and flying your Impact and look forward to feedback on the dif-
ferent power units used in this unique aircraft.
Composite-ARF IMPACT