rate if you like. For low rate you
should decrease the throw to the
to 30mm, and the
to 35mm.
Yes, this is a reversed differential due
to the hinge line being in the top skin
instead of on the centre line. You will
have to finalise this differential figure
during flight, as mentioned earlier in
this instruction book. At high rate, for
3D manoeuvres, this doesn’t effect
the rolling too much, so you can max-
imize the throws to whatever is
mechanically possible, even more up
than down if you wish.
Your Impact has large control surfaces, which makes it very sensitive and reactive. It is always
possible that these control surfaces can flutter at high speeds if the assembly, servo installation
and linkages are not made perfectly. So please do yourself a favour, and make sure that you only
use the best servos available, and take the utmost care making your linkages. Check every link-
age for slop, and rather reduce the maximum throw than risking a high speed flutter due to slop-
py servo gear or linkages.
We hope that you enjoyed building your Impact. We have tried to make this airplane as complete
as possible, and with good feedback from customers you will help us to continue making good
things even better. We appreciate your comments very much.
Email: [email protected]
Thank you!
Your Composite-ARF Team
Flying and Trimming
During your first flight you should get a feel for the plane, and then set your control throws for
your liking. The ones shown above will be fine for the first flights anyway. Get used to the flying
characteristics, you will notice immediately how light the plane is, and that it might have to be
flown a bit differently than other pattern planes you might be used to.
Setting-up a patternship correctly is a very complex procedure, and here is a description of the
way we suggest you do it. Of course there will be other opinions around, and these might be
useful as well, but for sure our suggestions will lead to a perfect flying pattern plane, and you
can follow the actions step by step.
Basically there are several momentums in flight which influence the flying. First the ‘CG’, which
is the Centre of Gravity. Secondly the ‘CL’, which is the Centre of Lift. Both points are not at
the same place. Moving the CG forward or backwards, changes the distance between CG and
CL. The Centre of Lift cannot be changed, the Centre of Gravity can.
Then there are the angles of attack (incidences) of both wings and horizontal stabs. Both need
to be right, but most important is the difference of both between each other, rather than the
single angle of attack.
Composite-ARF IMPACT
low rate: 35mm down
high rate: 40mm down
high rate: 40mm up
low rate: 30mm up