Setting Up Your Aircraft
Centre of Gravity:
For the 1st flights set the Centre of Gravity between
the back edge of the wing tube and up to 6mm
(1/4”) behind this position. After trimming flights you
can adjust it a little by repositioning the battery (ies),
if needed.
Don’t forget to balance the plane laterally, holding
the spinner central bolt and a fingertip under the
rudder, and if needed add a small weight to the light
wing tip.
Engine Thrustline:
Downthrust is, initially, set by the moulded nose of
the fuselage, between 2 and 2.5° Downthrust, and this has
been proved correct by many professional pattern fliers.
Sidethrust is also set by the moulded nose, at about 2.5°,
and this is fine for 1st trimming flights.
Of course, final settings can be fine-tuned to your liking after
the first few flights, and will ultimately depend on your
motor/propeller set up, and this can easily be adjusted by
packing your engine mount as needed.
Control Throws:
All measurements are at the root/trailing edge
All controls should be set with a dual rate
switch. On high rate the elevator should have
about 30mm throw, up and down. Low rate
should be 18mm (3/4") up and 20mm down.
This gives a couple of mm negative differen-
tial, due to the top hinging. If you like you can
add about 20% exponential to the low rate
setting as well.
Set the high rate to about 75mm both sides,
and at low rate reduced to about 60mm.You
can add 25% exponential for smooth tracking
corrections if you like. Check your closed-
loop cables again and make sure that there is
NO slop at all.
Aileron throw for high rate is 40mm up and
down. Use at about 30% exponential for high
Composite-ARF IMPACT
C of G range: Back of wing tube to
6mm behind back of wing tube.
2 - 2.5° depending on propeller
high rate: 30mm
low rate: 18 mm
low rate: 20mm
high rate: 30mm
high rate: 75mm
low rate: 60mm
low rate: 60mm
high rate: 75mm