Composite-ARF IMPACT
hole 3.5mm Ø. Scuff up inside the canopy
around the hole and apply a blob of very thick
30minute epoxy/microballoons. Oil or wax the
Hatch Catch pin again and hold it back, tape the
canopy tightly in position and then push the
catch forward into place. Wait for cure.
The sides of the canopy are retained to, and
aligned with, the fuselage using the 2 phenolic
canopy hooks and ‘U’ shaped plates supplied in the kit. Mill 2
slots in the flanges of the canopy to fit the hooks tightly, posi-
tion as shown in the photos, and glue in with a very thick
epoxy/micro-balloon mix. The space between the hook and the
canopy flange should be about 2.2mm (3/32”), and the front of
the hook should be angled a little downwards. Transfer the
positions to the fuselage flanges and mark carefully. File the
slots until the canopy fits correctly.
Then glue only 1 ‘U’ shaped phenolic plate under the fuselage flange, at the front of the slots,
positioned so that it is
not quite possible to slide the canopy right to the front in it’s correct
position - because the hook is binding on the phenolic plate. With a needle file chamfer the back
bottom edge of the phenolic ‘U’ until the canopy fits perfectly. Then do the same for the other
hook and ‘U’ plate.
Result - a perfectly fitting canopy that will not rattle, and definitely cannot come off in flight when
you fit it as described above. Paint the canopy as you like.
Wing and Stab Alignment
For your Impact to fly straight and true it is very
important that the alignment of the stabilisers
and wings is accurate, as well as having the
correct incidences. This step is critical, and it
helps to have an extra person and pair of
hands to complete it. All the care and accuracy
taken in this stage will pay off when you fly
your plane, so please take your time to double-
check before gluing anything in place.
Carefully mill out the 30mm Ø holes for the
wing spar, the 10mm Ø holes for the carbon wing anti-rotation tube and stab spar, and the
6mm holes for the stab anti-rotation pins - all exactly in the positions marked on the fuselage.
You can use an old 3mm drill in a Dremel for this, and then a fine round file. Make all holes a
tight fit on the spars and tubes at this stage.
Prepare the surfaces inside the fuselage around all these holes carefully with coarse sandpa-
per and wipe away the dust with alcohol. Prepare the outer surfaces of the carbon/ply wing
tube reinforcement plates, and the carbon/ply washers for reinforcing the anti-rotation tubes
and pins in the same way.
Carefully wax (2 times) the outer surfaces of the 30mm carbon wing spar, the 10mmØ carbon
wing anti-rotation tube, the carbon stab spar and the two 6mm stab anti-rotation pins. Wax the