Composite-ARF IMPACT
think, and will easily see even a 1mm difference.
When satisfied, permanently glue the short 12mm Ø
carbon stab tube and reinforcing rings inside the fuse-
lage with a thick epoxy and microballoons mix, and also
the fibreglass wing tube and it’s egg-shaped reinforcing
rings. Make sure that the front edge of the carbon stab
tube is properly glued to the edge of the horizontal 3mm
balsa plate that projects backwards from the balsa bulk-
head in front of the vertical fin. This is an important joint
for the overall torsional stiffness of the tail.
Temporarily use the plastic wing bolts thru’ the
holes in the egg-shaped pieces, into the holes
in the wing roots to keep them aligned. Tape
the wings and stabs in position and double
check all measurements before gluing. Leave
in place until it has cured (at least 2 hrs if using
30 min. epoxy) before removing wings & stabs.
Now refit the wings and stabs and check the fit
of the roots against the fuselage sides. If they
need a little adjustment for a perfect fit, apply a
layer of paper tape to the sides of the fuselage
to protect it, and use a strip of 240 grit sandpa-
per between the fuse and roots for fine adjust-
ment (see photo). Use the same technique for
the stab roots if needed.
The stab incidence is set by the pair of 6mm
carbon pins which are glued into the T.E. of the
stabs, and the wings by the 10mm carbon tube
which is glued into the fuselage.
Support the fuselage firmly on your flat building
table, with one stab exactly at 0° incidence,
using an accurate incidence meter. Check that
the other stab is also at 0°, and adjust the hole
for the 6mm carbon pin if needed. Wax the two
6mm carbon pins again carefully, and glue the
carbon/ply reinforcement washers inside the
fuselage to finally set the stab incidences,
using 30 min. epoxy and micro mix.
Fit one wing at a time and secure with the plas-
tic bolts, with the heads inside the wing root rib
and the threaded part projecting inside the
fuselage thru’ the 6mm hole in the back of each
egg-shaped carbon/ply part. Glue the bolt
heads to the inside of the ribs with thick epoxy
and micro-balloons mixture, and fix wings in
position on fuselage with the large knurled
Use the plastic bolts to
temporarily align the carbon plates.