CompeGPS Team S.L.
By pressing the „pause‟ button, the track points won‟t be saved.
If you pause the track recording and retake it later, the points that open after the pause will be
part of the same track leg. This means that there will only be an open track, but made up of the
different legs (
on legs).
If you wish to save the track that is currently being recorded and go on recording into a new file,
all you have to do is
close the track
currently open. Once closed, a new track will be automatically
created in which the new track points will be recorded.
You may set the recording parameters from „Main menu > Settings > Off-road >Tracklog‟ (
: If, in the same day, you have made more than one track, the names will be distinguished
by a number at the end that identifies the order in which they were created, (e.g. 2008-12-15
.TRK, 2008-12-15
You may
both the tracks previously saved as the track currently being recorded by using
track properties
save as
Track list
Management of tracks is centred in the track list, although it is possible to carry out many actions
directly from the navigation screen through the
contextual menu
By entering the tracks list you will be able to
see all the available tracks in the „TwoNavData/Data‟
See the
section to get to know about the operation of the general lists.
If you have selected a track, the buttons at the bottom of the screen will let you enter the most
important functions to carry out on that element:
From left to right:
Enter the
track properties window
. In properties window, element can be activated for
See the
track graph
Zoom here
Name search
By means of a long click on any open track, you will enter the
Contextual Menu
with all the
available functionalities for this element.
When the list of recorded tracks becomes too long, they will automatically be grouped in folders
selected by year and, inside them, by month of creation (e.g. all the tracks created in 2009 will be
found in that folder and inside 2009-1, all the tracks created in January 2009).