CompeGPS Team S.L.
2.6 Connection to PC (storage unit)
When TwoNav Aventura is connected to the PC by means of the USB wire, the TwoNav
application is closed
and the device becomes a “storage unit”. Two new storage units will then
be shown on your PC:
Local disk: inner memory of the device
Removable disk: SD card that may be inserted into the device.
This way you will be able to transfer data from the PC to the Aventura and vice versa. Please
note that the folders to save data in the TwoNav Aventura in the memory card are:
Maps: TwoNavData\Maps
Data (Waypoints, routes and tracks): TwoNavData\Data
: While connected to the PC, TwoNav cannot be operated. If the device is connected
to another external source (car or wall charger) you will be able to do it.
Even „copy/pasting‟ files is possible from Windows explorer, it is highly recommended to use
CompeGPS Land
PC software to manage them. CompeGPS Land allows easily creating,
editing and transferring files to TwoNav, becoming a necessary reference to have an advanced
control over your outdoor trips. (
2.7 Using the electronic compass
TwoNav Aventura is fitted with a digital compass so you have accurate information available on
the directions to follow even if you are stopped.
To be able to use the information supplied by the compass you must follow two steps:
Adjusting the compass: Go to „Main Menu > Configuration > System > Calibrate
Compass‟. Once inside the adjusting utility, place the device on a horizontal position
and just turn it slowly for a few seconds.
Go to „Main Menu > Configuration > Display > Bearing‟ and select „Automatic‟. This
way, the information coming from the compass will be considered when you are
stopped or driving very slowly (in these cases, the GPS information is less reliable to
determine orientation).
: Adjustments must be made outdoors and far from sources of alterations of the magnetic
field, such as cars, buildings or electric lines. For further safety, it is recommended to adjust the
compass prior to any outings.
2.8 Updating the software
The TwoNav software is continually being improved in order to add new functionalities and
polish possible errors.
TwoNav has to software levels: