CompeGPS Team S.L.
Tool bar manager works in the same way as
data field manager
Next functions can be added to the tool bar:
Page: Access data pages
3D mode: Switch 2D-3D/3D+
Orient map: Track up / North up
Pan/Rotate: Movement mode
Open...: Open file
Shutdown screen
Close all: Close all open files.
Activate GPS: Start/Stop GPS connection
Mark WPT: Creates waypoint in current GPS position with default name and icon in one
Mark and edit WPT: Creates a waypoint in current GPS position and access to
properties so you can customize it.
New waypoint: Create a waypoint choosing where to place it and customizing it
Window zoom: draw an area on map to zoom to it.
Full screen: Most of user interface elements will be hidden to get a wider view of the
Zoom 100%: zoom will be automatically set so map is shown at its maximum resolution.
Save image to file: Screenshot will be saved in TwoNav/Temp folder.
Search for a more detailed map: it will try to load a map of higher resolution than the
currently loaded.