pressure at kPa (depended by device type). For atmospheric pressure correction to altitude setting
there is Users software TSensor.
Jumper and button
If communication with HWg Poseidon unit is selected, the function of jumper and button is as
Jumper opened and button shortly pressed – device goes to Info mode, see chapter „Info
Jumper closed and button pressed for longer than six seconds – causes restoring of
manufacturer setting
of communication protocol
, i.e. sets Modbus RTU communication
protocol, device address sets to 01h and communication speed to 9600Bd – after button
press there is “dEF” message blinking at LCD display. Six seconds later message “dEF”
stays shown, it means manufacturer setting
of communication protocol
is done.
Error States of the device
Device continuously checks its state during operation. In case error is found LCD displays
corresponding error code:
Error 0
First line displays „Err0“.
Check sum error of stored setting inside device’s memory. This error appears if incorrect writing
procedure to device’s memory occurred or if damage of calibration data appeared. At this state device
does not measure and calculate values. It is a serious error, contact distributor of the device to fix.
Error 1
Measured temperature (no pressure) is over upper limit of allowed full scale range. There is
a reading „Err1“ on LCD display. Value read from the device is +999.9 (for pressure reading there
is +999.9 hPa correct value).
This state occurs if measured temperature is higher than approximately 600°C (i.e., high
non-measurable resistance of temperature sensor, probably opened circuit).
Error 2
There is a reading „Err2“ on LCD display. Measured temperature is below lower limit of allowed
full scale range or pressure measurement error occurred. Value read from the device is -999.9.
This state appears in case of:
Measured temperature is lower than approximately -210°C (i.e. low resistance of
temperature sensor, probably short circuit).
Measured pressure value
with added correction for altitude
is outside of range from
300 hPa to 1350 hPa (from 4.351 PSI to 19.580 PSI) or the pressure sensor is damaged.
Please check setting of pressure correction for altitude with User’s software.
Error 3
There is a reading „Err3“ on LCD display.
Error of internal A/D converter appeared (converter does not respond, probably damage of A/D
converter). This error does NOT affect pressure measurement. Measured temperature is NOT
measured. It is a serious error, contact distributor of the device.
Error 4
There is a reading „Err4“ on LCD display. It is internal device error during pressure sensor
initialization. Under this condition device does NOT measure atmospheric pressure. Value read
from device is -999.9. Pressure sensor is probably damaged. It is a serious error, contact distributor
of the device.