Protocol compatible with Advantech-ADAM standard
Control units communicate on master-slave principle in half-duplex operation. Only master can
send requests and only addressed device responds. During sending request any of slave devices should
respond. During communication data is transferred in ASCII format (in characters). Each Byte is sent as
two ASCII characters. Device supports communication speed from 1200Bd to 115200Bd, parameters of
communication link are 1 start bit + eight bit data word (LSB first) + 1 stop bit, without parity.
Jumper is located next to connection terminals. If communication protocol compatible with
standard Advantech-ADAM is selected, its function is the following:
If jumper during switching ON the power is closed, device always communicates with
following parameters regardless stored setting in the device:
communication speed 9600 Bd, without check sum, device address 00h
If jumper during switching ON the power is not closed, device communicates in accordance
with stored setting.
If jumper is closed during device operation, device temporarily changes its address to 00h,
it will communicate in the same communication speed as before closing jumper and will
communicate without check sum. After jumper is opened setting of address and check sum
is reset in accordance with values stored in the device.
Communication speed and check sum are possible to change only if jumper is closed.
Jumper closed and button pressed for longer than six seconds – causes restoring
of manufacturer setting
of communication protocol
, i.e. sets Modbus RTU communication
protocol, device address sets to 01h and communication speed to 9600Bd - after button press
there is “dEF” message blinking at LCD display. Six seconds later message “dEF” stays
shown, it means manufacturer setting
of communication protocol
is done.
For communication with device T5410 which measure more than one value, there is
necessary to add at the end of command, number of communication channel, where the measured
value is mapped. Command for value reading is
#AAx(CRC) cr
, where
is device address,
number of communication channel,
is check sum (can be used or not).
Measured value
Number of communication channel
Atmospheric pressure
Command #AA(CRC) cr
for reading all measured values at once is supported for multi-
channel devices since firmware version 02.60.
Response: > (temperature)(relative humidity)(dew point temperature)(absolute humidity)
(specific humidity)(mixing ratio)(specific enthalpy)(atmospheric pressure)cr
ARION communication protocol - AMiT company
The device supports communication protocol ARiON version 1.00. For more details see file
Description of communication protocols of Txxxx series
Communication with HWg Poseidon units
Device supports communication with HWg-Poseidon units. For communication with this
unit set the device with setup software TSensor to communication protocol HWg–Poseidon and set
correct device address. This communication protocol supports read temperature at °C, relative
humidity, one of computed value (dew point temperature or absolute humidity) and barometric