Device installation
Device is designed for wall mounting. There are two mounting holes at the sides of the case.
Don’t connect device while power supply voltage is on. Interconnection terminals for T0310,
T0410 and T5410 devices are accessible after unscrewing four screws and removing the lid. Lace
the cable through a gland at the case wall. Connect the cable to terminals with respecting the signal
polarity (see figure). Terminals are self-clamping and can be opened by a suitable screwdriver.
For the opening, insert the screwdriver to smaller terminal hole and lever by him. Do not forget to
tighten glands and case lid with inserted packing after cables connecting. It is necessary
for warranting of protection IP65. Connect complementary female connector for T0310L, T0410L
and T5410L transmitters in accordance with the table in Appendix B of this manual. Working
position is with the sensor cover downwards – see figure.
Devices T0310 are supplied with connection cable equipped with connector for connection
to RS232 interface. For devices with RS485 output there is recommended to use shielded twisted
copper cable, maximal length 1200m. The cable must be located at indoor rooms. Nominal cable
impedance should be 100 Ω, loop resistance max. 240 Ω, cable capacity max. 65 pF/m. Outside
diameter of the cable for T0410 and T5410 connection must be from 3 to 6.5 mm. Suitable cable
is e.g. SYKFY 2x2x0.5 mm
, where one wire pair serves for device powering and the other pair
for communication link. For devices T0310L, T0410L and T5410L use cable with respect to female
connector parameters. Do NOT connect shielding at connector side.
The cable should be led in one line, i.e. NOT to „tree“ or „star“. Termination resistor should
be located at the end. For short distance another topology is allowed. Terminate the network by
a termination resistor. The value of the resistor is recommended about 120
. For short distance
termination resistor can be left out.
The cable should not be led in parallel along power cabling. Safety distance is up to 0.5 m,
otherwise undesirable induction of interference signals can appear.
Electrical system (wiring) may do only worker with required qualification by rules
in operation.
– T0310
Transmitter with RS232