Communication protocols
Short introduction to communication protocols of the device. To use some
communication protocols is necessary software, which can use the protocol. This
software is not included.
The device supports displaying of measured values, history graphs and configuration using
web browser. History graphs are based on HTML5 canvas. Web browser must support this
feature for proper function of graphs. Firefox, Opera, Chrome, or Edge can be used. If the
device has IP address
type into your browser
. Actual
measured values can be obtained using file
or using
Values from history can be exported in CSV format. History storage interval can be set using
web interface. History is erased after every reboot of the device. Reboot of the device is
performed when the power supply is disconnected and after some configuration changes.
sending e-mails
When measured values are over the set limits, the device allows send e-mail to a maximum
of 3 addresses. E-mail is sent when alarm condition on the channel is cleared or a measuring
error occurs. It is possible to set repeat interval for email sending. For correct sending of e-
mails it is necessary to set address of SMTP server. SMTP authentication is supported but
SSL/TLS not. Standard SMTP port 25 is used by default. SMTP port can be changed.
Contact your network administrator to obtain configuration parameters of your SMTP
E-mail sent by the device cannot be answered.
Using SNMP protocol, you can read actual measured values, alarm status. Writing via SNMP
protocol is not supported. It is supported
protocol version only. SNMP used
port 161
. OID keys description can be found in the MIB table, which can be obtained from