PWR, SW version 1.0, ©ComAp – March 2009
IA-NT- PWR-1.0-Reference Guide R1.pdf
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL Gen Freq
Output closes if the generator over/under frequency alarm activates.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL Gen >Freq
Output closes if the generator over frequency alarm activates.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL Gen <Freq
Output closes if the generator under frequency alarm activates.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL Mains Volts
The output closes if the mains over/under voltage alarm or voltage asymmetry alarm activates.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active
AL Mains Freq
Output closes if the mains over/under frequency alarm activates.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active
AL Stop Fail
Output closes when the engine have to be stopped, but speed or frequency or voltage or oil pressure
is detected. This protection goes active 60s after stop command. With start goes this protection
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL Mains Fail
Output closes if the mains over/under voltage alarm, voltage asymmetry alarm or mains over/under
frequency alarm activates.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active
AL Start Fail
Output closes after the gen-set start-up fails.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL Overcurrent
Output closes if the generator
IDMT over current or
current unbalance or