VastraJet K2
Step 5:
Turn on the print engine from the front HMI by following the screens;
, as shown below:
Fig 8: Turn ON the Print Engine
After turn on the print engine, the machine initialization process gets started. Firstly, the carriage moves in the
upward direction to initialize the Z axis and then, it moves to the X axis origin to initialize it. After that, the carriage
comes back to the Z print position. Finally, the Wiper unit gets activated and starts the initialization process.
Step 6:
Check the negative pressure (range -4.2 to -4.6).
Step 7:
Open the printer manager and RIP software.
We recommend to use separate computer system for both, Print Manager software and RIP software.
Step 8:
Check and change the fresh water in the head cleaning tray, if required.
Step 9:
Refill ink, if the low ink level alarm gets activated and starts sounding. The ink main tanks are shown below:
Fig 9: Displaying the Main Tanks