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cod. 3541D620  -  Rev. 00 - 02/2013

3.1 General Instructions


3.2 Place of installation

This unit is an 

“open chamber”

 type and can only be installed and operated in perma-

nently ventilated rooms. An insufficient supply of combustion air to the water heater will
affect its normal operation and the evacuation of fumes. Also, the fumes forming in these
conditions are extremely harmful to the health if dispersed in the domestic environment.
Make sure the room where the unit is to be installed meets all the conditions required by
the Current Regulations.
In any case, the place of installation must be free of dust, flammable materials or objects
or corrosive gases.
Place the water heater as close as possible to the hot water taps, near the sink, but 



 above a cooktop. It must also be located as close as possible to the flue or the place

from where the fume exhaust pipe starts.


If the unit is enclosed in a cabinet or mounted alongside, a space must be pro-
vided for removing the casing and for normal maintenance operations.

3.3 Plumbing connections


Before making the connection, check that the unit is arranged for operation with
the type of fuel available and carefully clean all the system pipes.

Carry out the relevant connections according to the cover diagram and the symbols giv-
en on the unit .

System water characteristics

In the presence of water harder than 25° Fr (1°F = 10ppm CaCO


), use suitably treated

water in order to avoid possible scaling in the water heater.

3.4 Gas connection

The gas must be connected to the respective union (see figure on cover) in conformity
with the current regulations, with a rigid metal pipe or with a continuous flexible s/steel
tube, installing a gas cock between the system and water heater . Make sure all the gas
connections are tight.

3.5 Fume duct

The diameter of the connecting pipe to the flue must not be less than that of the connec-
tion on the anti-backflow device. Starting from the anti-backflow device it must have a
vertical section at least 50 cm long. The current regulations must be respected regarding
the dimensioning and installation of the flues and connection pipe.


The water heater has a safety device (fume thermostat) that stops unit opera-
tion in case of poor draught or obstruction of the flue. This device must never
be tampered with or deactivated.

3.6 Solar system operation mode

At the unit's cold water inlet there is a contact thermostat (set at 45°C) for controlling the
solar system water temperature. This thermostat prevents lighting of the burner when the
inlet temperature is higher than the set thermostat temperature.
A thermostatic mixing valve must be installed at the DHW outlet to prevent water at high
temperatures from being drawn.
The temperature of the solar system water to the unit must always be under 60°C.

3.7 Flue gas control device (T.T.B.)

The water heater's T.T.B. safety device ensures proper evacuation of the flue gases;
therefore its operation must not be excluded and no uncontrolled operation must be car-
ried out on it. In case of anomalies in the evacuation of flue gases, the device stops the
gas supply to the burner.
If the water heater activates the T.T.B. at startup, check the burnt gas outlet, checking
evacuation with a mirror cooled with water or any other device suitable for this purpose.
In case of replacement, only use original spare parts.
The T.T.B. device must only be replaced by qualified personnel, proceeding as follows:

Remove the faulty T.T.B., loosening the two screws that secure it.


Fit a new original T.T.B. device.


Secure the T.T.B. device without forcing the screws.


Check proper operation.

In case of intervention of the T.T.B. stop the drawing of hot water and wait a few minutes
so that the thermostat can cool down. The waiting time required depends on ambient
conditions and the type of installation.
In case of repeated intervention by the T.T.B., it is necessary to eliminate the problem by
taking the appropriate measures and contact the After-Sales Technical Service.
Any operation on the T.T.B. device by unqualified personnel is absolutely forbidden.


All adjustment, commissioning and periodical inspection operations described below
must only be carried out by Qualified Personnel (meeting the professional technical re-
quirements of the current regulations).


 declines any liability for damage and/or injury caused by unqualified and un-

authorised persons tampering with the unit.

4.1 Adjustments
Gas conversion


Conversion to a gas different from the factory setting must be done by
and authorised technician, using original parts and in compliance with
the regulation in force in the country of installation.

The unit can work on natural gas or LPG and is factory-set for use with one of these two
gases, as clearly shown on the packing and data plate. Whenever the unit has to be used
with a different gas, the special conversion kit will be required, proceeding as follows:

fig. 5

Disconnect the ignition electrode cable.

fig. 6

Remove the adjustment knobs

Undo the two screws and remove the cover

Summary of Contents for SUPREME 11 B


Page 2: y operaciones preliminares 1 Compruebe que los grifos del agua caliente estén cerrados 2 Abra la llave de paso del gas al calentador situada en la conexión del gas al aparato 3 Compruebe que las pilas de 1 5 V estén en su alojamiento y orientadas con la polaridad co rrecta Para sustituir las pilas vea Sustitución de las pilas on page 5 4 Verifique también que las pilas tengan carga suficiente p...

Page 3: ...el tiro es insuficiente o la chimenea está atascada No altere ni desmonte este dispositivo por ningún motivo 3 6 Modo de funcionamiento de la instalación solar En la entrada de agua fría al aparato hay un termostato de contacto ajustado a 45 C que controla la temperatura del agua de la instalación solar Dicho termostato impide que se encienda el quemador cuando la temperatura de entrada del agua e...

Page 4: ...datos téc nicos para informar del cambio 4 2 Puesta en servicio Antes de encender el calentador Compruebe la estanqueidad del sistema de gas Llene la instalación hidráulica y purgue todo el aire del calentador y de las tuberías Compruebe que no haya pérdidas de agua ni en la instalación ni en el aparato Asegúrese de que la presión del gas sea adecuada Controle que no haya sustancias ni materiales ...

Page 5: ...los y no tengan pér didas El quemador y el intercambiador no tengan suciedad ni incrustaciones No utilice productos químicos ni cepillos de acero para limpiarlos Los electrodos no tengan incrustaciones y estén bien ubicados fig 13 Ubicación de los electrodos Las instalaciones de gas y agua sean perfectamente estancas El caudal y la presión del gas tengan los valores indicados en las tablas 5 CARAC...

Page 6: ...31 nº x Ø 10 x 0 77 12 x 0 77 Presión de alimentación G31 mbar 37 37 Caudal máximo G31 kg h 1 7 2 11 Caudal mínimo G31 kg h 0 65 0 8 Presión máxima funcionamiento bar 10 10 PMS Presión mínima funcionamiento bar 0 2 0 2 Caudal de AS Dt 25 C l min 11 13 7 Caudal de AS Dt 50 C l min 5 5 6 9 D Grado de protección IP X5D X5D Temperatura de actuación termostato de humos C 90 Peso sin carga kg 11 12 Tipo...

Page 7: ...os e operações preliminares 1 Certifique se de que as torneiras de água quente estão fechadas 2 Abra a torneira de alimentação do gás da caldeira situada na união do gás ao aparelho 3 Verifique se as pilhas de 1 5 V estão introduzidas no respectivo lugar e com a polaridade cor recta e Para a sua substituição consulte Substituição das pilhas on page 10 4 Verifique se as pilhas têm carga suficiente ...

Page 8: ... água fria do aparelho um termóstato de contacto definido para 45 C para controlo da temperatura da água do aparelho solar Este termóstato im pede o acendimento do queimador quando a temperatura de entrada é superior à tem peratura de calibragem do próprio termóstato É necessário instalar uma válvula misturadora termostática na saída de água quente sa nitária para evitar que saia água a temperatur...

Page 9: ...dados té cnicos para comprovar a transformação 4 2 Colocação em funcionamento Antes de acender a caldeira Verifique a vedação do circuito de gás Encha a instalação hidráulica e garanta uma purga completa do ar contido na cal deira e na instalação Verifique se não ocorrem perdas de água na instalação ou no aparelho Verifique se os valores de pressão de gás são os requeridos Verifique se não há pres...

Page 10: ...or e o permutador de calor devem estar limpos e sem incrustações Para a eventual limpeza não utilize produtos químicos ou escovas de aço Os eléctrodos não devem apresentar incrustações e devem estar correctamente posicionados fig 13 Colocação dos eléctrodos A vedação dos circuitos de gás e água deve estar em perfeitas condições O fluxo de gás e a pressão devem corresponder aos valores indicados na...

Page 11: ...7 12 x 0 77 Pressão do gás de alimentação G31 mbar 37 37 Caudal de gás máx G31 kg h 1 70 2 11 Caudal de gás mín G31 kg h 0 65 0 80 Pressão máx de funcionamento bar 10 10 PMS Pressão mín de funcionamento bar 0 20 0 20 Caudal de água quente sanitária Dt 25 C l mín 11 0 13 7 Caudal de água quente sanitária Dt 50 C l mín 5 5 6 9 D Grau de protecção IP X5D X5D Temperatura de intervenção do termóstato d...

Page 12: ...gas supply cock located on its gas connection 3 Make sure the 1 5 V batteries are properly fitted with the correct polarity and For their replacement see Replacing batteries on page 15 4 Also make sure the batteries have enough charge for water heater operation Lighting Turn the knob to the required water heating level fig 2 Lighting The unit will immediately be ready to operate whenever hot water...

Page 13: tampered with or deactivated 3 6 Solar system operation mode At the unit s cold water inlet there is a contact thermostat set at 45 C for controlling the solar system water temperature This thermostat prevents lighting of the burner when the inlet temperature is higher than the set thermostat temperature A thermostatic mixing valve must be installed at the DHW outlet to prevent water at high te...

Page 14: ...d in the conversion kit near the data plate as proof of the conversion 4 2 Commissioning Before lighting the water heater Check the tightness of the gas system Fill the hydraulic system and make sure the air in the water heater and system is completely vented Make sure there are no water leaks in the system and unit Check the correct gas pressure value Make sure there are no flammable liquids or m...

Page 15: ...obstacles and leaks The burner and exchanger must be clean and free of deposits For possible clean ing do not use chemical products or wire brushes The electrodes must be free of deposits and correctly positioned fig 13 Electrode positioning The gas and water systems must be tight The gas flow and pressure must match that given in the respective tables 5 TECHNICAL DATA AND CHARACTERISTICS Table 3 ...

Page 16: ... Ø 10 x 0 77 12 x 0 77 Gas supply pressure G31 mbar 37 37 Max gas delivery G31 kg h 1 70 2 11 Min gas delivery G31 kg h 0 65 0 80 Max working pressure bar 10 10 PMS Min working pressure bar 0 20 0 20 DHW flow rate Dt 25 C l min 11 0 13 7 DHW flow rate Dt 50 C l min 5 5 6 9 D Protection rating IP X5D X5D Fume thermostat intervention temperature C 90 Empty weight kg 11 12 Type of unit B11BS PIN CE 0...

Page 17: ...2 3 Allumage et extinction Vérifications et opérations préliminaires 1 S assurer que les robinets de l eau chaude sont fermés 2 Ouvrir le robinet d arrivée du gaz au chauffe eau sur le raccordement du gaz à l appareil 3 S assurer que les batteries de 1 5 V sont installées dans leur logement dans le bon sens at tention aux pôles et Pour les remplacer voir Remplacement des batteries on page 20 4 S a...

Page 18: ...e l installation solaire Un thermostat de contact réglé sur 45 C est installé sur l entrée de l eau froide de l ap pareil pour contrôler la température de l eau de l installation solaire Ce thermostat em pêche le brûleur de s allumer lorsque la température d entrée est supérieure à la température de tarage du thermostat Il est nécessaire d installer une soupape thermostatique sur la sortie sanitai...

Page 19: ...ques afin de signaler la transformation effectuée 4 2 Mise en service Opérations à effectuer avant d allumer le chauffe eau Vérifier l étanchéité de l installation du gaz Remplir le circuit hydraulique et purger l air contenu dans le chauffe eau et dans le circuit S assurer qu il n y a aucune fuite d eau le long du circuit et sur l appareil S assurer que la pression du gaz est correcte S assurer q...

Page 20: ...ré senter aucune fuite Le brûleur et l échangeur doivent être propres et détartrés Pour le nettoyage ne pas utiliser de produits chimiques ni de brosses en acier Les électrodes ne doivent présenter aucune incrustation et doivent être position nées correctement fig 13 Mise en place des électrodes Les installations de gaz et d eau doivent être parfaitement étanches La charge et la pression de gaz do...

Page 21: ...ur G31 nbre x Ø 10 x 0 77 12 x 0 77 Pression d alimentation gaz G31 mbar 37 37 Débit gaz à puissance maxi G31 kg h 1 70 2 11 Débit gaz à puissance mini G31 kg h 0 65 0 80 Pression maxi de service bar 10 10 PMS Pression mini de service bar 0 20 0 20 Débit d eau chaude sanitaire à Dt 25 C l min 11 0 13 7 Débit d eau chaude sanitaire à Dt 50 C l min 5 5 6 9 D Degré de protection IP X5D X5D Températur...

Page 22: ...EN Déclaration de conformité H FRQVWUXFWHXU déclare que cet appareil est conforme aux directives CEE ci dessous Directives appareils à gaz 2009 142 Directive rendements 92 42 Directive basse tension Directive Compatibilité Electromagnétique Président et fondé de pouvoirs Cav du travail Dante Ferroli FR PT Declaração de conformidade O fabricante declara que este aparelho está em conformidade com as...

Page 23: ......

Page 24: de equipos con grupos electrógenos o cualquier otro sistema que no sea una red eléctrica estable y de suficiente capacidad Los productos cuya cualquier reparación que no haya sido realizada por el Servicio Técnico OFICIAL de Cointra y o personal autorizado de Cointra Godesia Corrosiones deformaciones etc producidas por un almacenamiento inadecuado Manipulación del producto por personal ajeno a C...
