18.2 Adjusting the barndoors
The 4 leaf barndoors allow the beam output of the projector to be masked and adjusted to suit your requirements.
The barndoors may be adjusted individually and may be rotated as a group.
18.2.1 Individual leaf adjustment
1) Each of the 4 leaves may be individually adjusted by pushing it towards or away from the lense, allowing for more or less
masking of the beam output. If needed, you may loosen of tighten the mechanism as shown in the diagram.
2) If you should find it necessary to loosen the individual barndoors to adjust their position, ensure that you retighten them suf-
ficiently to avoid them sagging.
18.2.2 Rotating the barndoors
1) The barndoor group may be rotated through 90° by loosening the three adjusters as shown in the diagram.
2) Retighten the three adjusters after having repositioned the barndoors, so that they remain in the required position during
articulated movement.
Never remove the 4 leaf barndoors completely - this may result in the fixture being unbalanced and not articulating correctly.
To avoid overheating the fixture, never full close the barndoors whilst the lamp is on.