6.6 Calling the preset scenes:
Pressing the PRESET button allows preset scenes to be run via the 1-24 buttons. The display information does not change at
this time.
When initiating preset scenes, the respective channels of any attached devices involved in scene are set to manual mode and
their values are set according to those recorded in the preset. The MANUAL button’s LED will flash, indicating that there
are channels in preset mode. A preset scene can be terminated by pushing the PRESET button. Holding down the preset
button and pressing any of the 1-24 buttons will put this new preset on hold. The controller’s display will show the name
(entered by the user at the time of creating the preset) of the new preset in its bottom line for a short time, thus allowing the
new preset to be easily identified and reducing the possibility of initiating the wrong scene.
6.7 Launching Records:
By pressing the RECORD button, preset scenes can be initiated using buttons
1-24. In the top line of the display, the R letter and the record number and its
step are displayed. If there is a currently running record and the PROGRAM
button is pressed, the display will show the the program number which is
running. If you start program while running a record, then the record will automatically stop.
Holding down the record button and pressing any of the 1-24 buttons will put this new record on hold. The controller’s
display will show the name (entered by the user at the time of creating the record) of the new record in its bottom line for a
short time, thus allowing the new record to be easily identified and reducing the possibility of initiating the wrong one.
7. Manual Mode
Manual mode is available by pressing the FIXTURE button. In this mode, individual device channels can be altered using the
1-16 sliders and the scroll wheels.
In this mode, the FIXTURE button’s LED will illuminate at full intensity, indicating that the manual mode is active. Devices
can be specified using the 1-24 buttons (their leds will be flashing). If no unit is selected, the display will indicate ‘NO UNIT
SELECTED’. Otherwise, the display will show the most recent value of the current devices last channel.
After the letter ‘U’ (Unit/Device) the number of the selected device is displayed. After ‘POT’ is the number of the slider last
altered, while in the corner the value of the channel controlled by the slider can be seen. In the bottom line the name of the
channel and the type name belonging to the value can be seen.
The channels of the specified device can be altered using sliders 1-8 and the current values are immediately visible in the
display. If you move a slider to which there is no channel assigned, no channel value appears as that channel is undefined.
Beams may be controlled using the scroll wheels. When they are moved, the values of the PAN and TILT channels are shown
in the display. The movement speed of the beams depend on the speed with which the scroll wheels are rotated.
SLIDER button: The controller is able to control devices with maximum 32 channels. All the 32 channels can be accessed via
the 16 sliders and the SLIDER shift button. Upon pressing it, its LED will flash, indicating that sliders 17-32 are now
activated. When pressed again, the LED will illuminate at half intensity again, and channels 1-16 can once again be
If at least one channel is overloaded in manual mode, the LED of the MANUAL mode signals it with flashing. When pressing
the FIXTURE button again, flashing stops, and all the channels that were manually overloaded, return to automatic mode.