M a v e r i c k B o a t C o m p a n y , I n c .
3 2 0 7 I n d u s t r i a l 2 9 t h S t .
F o r t P i e r c e , F l o r i d a 3 4 9 4 6
( 7 7 2 ) - 4 6 5 - 0 6 3 1 o r
( 8 8 8 ) - s h a l l o w
F a x : ( 7 7 2 ) 4 8 9 - 2 1 6 8
Salt Water Washdown
Raw-water washdown is standard on the 280-Dual Console model. The pump is located in the bilge aft of the livewell pump
and is accessible through the splash well hatch. To operate, hook a hose to the raw water receptacle on the port rear bulkhead
above the drains. Flip the switch labeled
“Saltwater”. The pump will pressurize the system with raw water. Once the system
is pressurized, the pump will shut itself off with an internal pressure switch and will switch itself back on as you demand water.
Be careful to only spray gel-coated fiberglass surfaces with saltwater and avoid all other areas. Always rinse your boat with
freshwater as soon as you return to the dock or home if the boat is being trailered.
The fresh water tank on your 217 CC can be filled at the cap labeled
“WATER”, on the back port corner
near the transom. The shower nozzle is on the port aft bulkhead. To pressurize the system, flip the switch
“FRESHWATER” on the switch panel at the helm. You can leave this switch in the ON position
while the boat is in use. The pump has an internal pressure switch that allows the pump to turn on and
off as needed.
In the colder months of the year,
it’s advisable to drain the fresh water system and winterize by adding
a non-toxic antifreeze to the system. Run the antifreeze through the system by opening up the spray in
the shower nozzle until antifreeze is delivered through the showerhead
Waste System
An electric head unit is standard in the 280. The instruction manual can be found in the Cobia duffel bag and basic operating
instructions are listed on the following pages: 30,32-34.
Electric Head
Raw Water Receptacle
Raw Water Pump