M a v e r i c k B o a t C o m p a n y , I n c .
3 2 0 7 I n d u s t r i a l 2 9 t h S t .
F o r t P i e r c e , F l o r i d a 3 4 9 4 6
( 7 7 2 ) - 4 6 5 - 0 6 3 1 o r
( 8 8 8 ) - s h a l l o w
F a x : ( 7 7 2 ) 4 8 9 - 2 1 6 8
Optional JL Audio Stereo System
A JL Audio stereo system with eight JL speakers is offered as an option on the 280 DC. The Media Master100 (MM100) head
unit is paired with a M800/8v2 stereo amplifier. The amplifier is installed inside the starboard console and the head unit is
mounted on the helm.
Stereo Unit
Fresh Water Washdown
The fresh water tank on your 280 DC can be filled at the cap labeled
“WATER”, on the starboard transom next to the walk-thru
door. The shower nozzle is on the starboard aft bulkhead. To pressurize the system, flip the switch labeled
on the switch panel at the helm. You can leave this switch in the ON position while the boat is in use. The pump has an internal
pressure switch that allows the pump to turn on and off as needed. (Refer to page 35 for the 280 DC water supply diagram.)
In the colder months of the year,
it’s advisable to drain the fresh water system and winterize by adding a non-toxic antifreeze
to the system. Run the antifreeze through the system by opening up the spray in the shower nozzle until antifreeze is delivered
through the showerhead.
JL Speaker System