User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 60
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I m p o r t d r a w i n g
2D drawings that are in DXF or HPGL format can be imported using this function, that is means
they are converted to a G-code file. This is useful for operations that do not require a CAM
function, where the cutting width (cutter diameter) need not be considered, such as when engraving
scripts where the lines of the drawing correspond to the web of the tool center. For all other
machining operations, where the tool path has to be offset by the tool radius, as well as for the 3D
machining, an external CAM program is necessary.
Detaile d desc riptio n of the i mpor t filter
Since the
sometimes offer quite extensive functions, they are dedicated to a separate
chapter at the end of the manual. For example, it describes an
that are included in the standard version of this software.
I m p o r t s e t t i n g s
With this function you can load the complete machine parameters
and all settings of the software or parts thereof from an external
file. This can happen for several purposes:
You want to undo changes and import a previously made
You want to install an additional feature or an update or an
You want to switch to another machine or another type of
You want to adopt settings from another, identical machine.
Partial i mport
The control software not only supports complete parameter sets, but also subsets thereof. For
example, if you buy a rotary axis retrospectively for a 3-axis milling machine, the seller can supply
a parameter file that only contains the parameters relevant for the rotary axis, ie resolution, speed
and travels of the fourth axis.
If you import this file, only these parameters will be changed. All previously made, other settings
are retained.