User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 122
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Remedy for bad templates
During import, all contiguous segments are numbered and commented.
If double lines are visible when opening a file, the best course of action is as follows:
Import the file with high feed values and small Z values for testing.
Test the file WITHOUT machine in demo mode. You can clearly see which are the "better"
segments and which should be deleted. You can make a note of the wrong segment numbers
in such a test run.
Import the file with the correct feeds and Z-values.
Open the file with the editor and remove all previously noted, duplicate segments.
No existing i mport data or message "Error w hile
pa rsing the DXF file , w rong ve rsion?
It may happen that some programs in DXF export, e.g. Disassemble fonts into splines. The KinetiC-
NC import filter does not read any splines. In this case, try to save in an older file format, which
still does not support splines, e.g. Autocad DXF R10 or older.
Generally, it is a good practice to always use the oldest file format available for import errors.