User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 42
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T h e z e r o p o i n t s y m b o l
When a program is loaded, the graphic display is updated with the tool path each time the zero point
is changed. The position of the zero point in the engine room is indicated by the "tripod" of three
colored arrows.
Ze ro point and ma terial
After the zero point is set correctly, the entire toolpath should
be displayed in the graphics window, and no further error
message will appear in the message window.
Before running a program for the first time, it is advisable to
set the feed factor ("feed override", slider in the middle, to the
right of the graphic display) to approx. 10%.
So, you have enough time to react if the machine does not run
as intended, and a collision threatens.
S l o w f e e d
Set the slider "Feed" 10% and then press "Start Program"
on the far left. The machine starts
moving and moves to the first letter "C". During the first pass the contour is driven 4mm above the
material. If everything is correct, you can set the slider back to 100% or press the "Reset" button
to the right of the slider. The machine now runs at the full, programmed speed, in the example
500mm / min. On the second run Z = 0 is driven, just above the material. In a real milling job, of
course, a negative Z value would be inscribed, this is just a demonstration.
P r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e p a t h
During execution, the already travelled distance in the graph is highlighted in light blue. You can let
the program through to the end, or at any time press with "program stop"
Cancel. "Rewind"
and return to the beginning of the program and also clear the display of the distance traveled.