EVAC-500 Voice Alarm & Evacuation System Operation Manual
Main Page of Software as the picture above:
The top is system menu and toolbar. Left is program item, middle is system status and right part is emergency
status, emergency message & line inputs. Bottom is system status and time.
6.3.2. Introduction of Menu Bar and Tool.
System-View-Manage-Help. System includes refresh, import, save, login and exit. View is used to customize
different visual display of the system diagram. Manage include firmware download (No change), network adapter
(Edit the IP address), empty all log (clear the log in event) and software security (Password is need to exist). Help
is used to check the software version.
1)“System” Menu
“Reflash” refreshes the up-to-date status of the interface in which current user is located.
“Import” is used to import from voice alarm controller to the management software .
“Save” is used to save the LOG message of system modules or user’s configuration.
“ Login” and “Exit” means the login or exit from the management software.
2) “View” Menu
is is used to customize the software display, now it is reserved for operation.
3) “Manage” menu