MAN.234 Rev.3 ENG - Use and maintenance manual S19HD (PRO)
Make sure that the bar lifted to enter the basket, has returned in its
lock position.
During the use of the MEWP
In any dangerous or irregular conditions, stop the machine by using
the emergency button. Before restarting the machine, check that the
dangerous conditions are over;
It is strictly forbidden to level the basket when the machine is in
working position;
Do not operate when the MEWP is in failure;
It is forbidden to use the “platform control (emergency) position”
when there are operators inside the basket, unless there is emer-
gency or for testing operations before starting the work (which shall
be carried out without anyone in the basket): from downstairs, it is
difficult to esteem how far the basket and the MEWP structure com-
ponents are from possible obstacles;
Follow the MEWP working diagram;
It is strictly forbidden to use the platform as a crane, to hang post-
ers, banners, poles, etc. to the basket or to any other part of the
Do not connect chain or ropes to the MEWP (since they could be
trapped amongst the MEWP moving parts or they could hook fixed
objects thus causing the machine overturn);
It is absolutely forbidden to lift or lower loads by using ropes and
It is forbidden to lean out;
It is forbidden to use the MEWP for recreational purposes;
Do not perform the basket rotation operation together with other op-
No material shall fall from above: fasten the working material proper-
Do not throw objects (tools) upside down or vice versa.
In case of works like pruning, plants maintenance, etc., it is forbid-
den to let trunks, pipes, poles etc. fall inside the basket or on the
MEWP structure: they can severely impair the MEWP stability;
During works like paintings, etc., protect yourselves and the machine;
It is strictly forbidden to put tools, body parts in the areas marked by
the stickers indicating crushing, shearing hazard; keep manuals
away from any hole or slit;
It is forbidden to use tools not complying with the laws in force;
When working at low temperatures, it is necessary to perform some in-
vain operation so that the hydraulic circuit oil reaches the operating)
It is forbidden to let people walk or stay within the MEWP working
It is forbidden to stay on the counter frame floor, during MEWP op-
Firmly cling to the basket eyelets during lift and descent;
Controls shall be started by slow and gradual movements: