C l i m a t e M a s t e r W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t P u m p s
C L I M A T E M A S T E R W A T E R - S O U R C E H E A T P U M P S
Compact (TC) Series
R e v. : 0 2 / 0 4 / 1 3
When the disconnect switch is closed, high
voltage is present in some areas of the electrical panel.
Exercise caution when working with energized equipment.
Verify that ALL water control valves are open and
allow water
ow prior to engaging the compressor. Freezing
of the coax or water lines can permanently damage the heat
Figure 23: Test Mode Pins
Short test pins together to enter
Test Mode and speed-up timing
and delays for 20 minutes.
Unit Start-Up Procedure