Operator's Manual IMAGE 26E
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The Traverse Switch (See figure 6, A)
The traverse switch is located on the control handle.
Light pressure with the thumb or hand activates the
traverse for forward movement. Only one switch
needs to be activated for unit to traverse. This
machine does not have reverse.
Rinse Tank (See figure 7, A)
The rinse tank is top center of the machine. The rinse
tank fill opening is located under the front cover.
Rinse Tank Drain Hose and Solution Level
Indicator (See figure 7, B)
The rinse drain hose is on the lower left at the back of
the machine. To drain, pull the clear hose free of the
top hosebarb and lay the hose into drain. Reconnect
when finished.
*TIP: To drain, disconnect from top plug and insert
into vacuum hose up to the adaptor (E). Turn
vacuum on. Empty recovery tank.
Recovery Tank (See figure 7, C)
The recovery tank is mounted in the rear center
position on the machine.
Recovery Tank Drain Hose (See figure 7, D)
The recovery drain hose is located at the center
left at the back of the machine.
Chemical Tank (See figure 7, F)
The chemical tank is located on the rear right on the
back of the machine.
Figure 6
Figure 7
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