Notes on Using RDM
Remember that when RDM is enabled, the system uses ~ 25% of its available DMX bandwidth
for RDM so DMX fidelity and refresh rate are reduced. For best DMX fidelity, disable RDM traffic
from the Receivers back to the Transmitting unit when you are not using RDM.
Misc. Settings
Backlight T-Out:
Allows adjustment of the Backlight automatic shutoff time-out from
Always off, through 1-240 seconds on, to Always on
Signal Strength:
Displays the RF signal strength in -dBm
SHoW Status:
Displays In or Out of Range
Firmware version:
Displays the firmware version
Radio Firmware:
Displays the Radio firmware version
Restore Defaults:
Resets all factory defaults, including Backlight Time-out 10 Seconds,
Hop pattern 1, Power 72mW, Full Bandwidth broadcast, 512 DMX Channels (slots), and
Show ID 201