The basics of performing a survey are:
1. Set-up and perform a spectrum analysis (as above) of the environment, concentrating on
the likely positions of SHoW DMX Neo Receivers and Transmitters planned for the
2. Identify any 2.4Ghz broadcasts within range (such as Wi-Fi) and try to determine if they
are generated and controlled in-house. If they are, you may be able to work with the
venue staff to optimize their channel assignment(s) if necessary.
3. Perform the survey during the times the SHoW DMX Neo system is most likely to be
4. Perform the survey at different times of the day to understand how the activity may vary.
Wireless activity may vary in a predictable way during the course of a day.
5. Set up a temporary SHoW DMX Neo system in the likely locations and check Received
Signal Strength (RSS). Signal strength on the LCD Display is shown as bars, however
an RDM check will allow you to monitor the RSS more accurately in -dB. SHoW DMX
Neo RSS in a well setup system with little interference can approach -40dB, while
communication becomes unreliable beyond -90dB.
Using the SHoW DMX Neo Features to Optimize Performance
Once you have determined the state of the wireless DMX environment, you can select the
features that provide the best fidelity and lowest impact to other 2.4Ghz wireless systems in the
Limited Bandwidth Frequency Hopping
SHoW DMX can operate in full spectrum 2.4GHz FHSS mode or may be configured to work in
one of three sub-bands of the full 2.4GHz spectrum. Each sub-band occupies approximately
2/5s of the full band, with one sub-band positioned at the low end, one in the center, and one at
the high end of the full spectrum. The three sub-bands overlap and each avoids some
combination of Wi-Fi channels. This allows the SHoW DMX system to broadcast in a different
part of the spectrum than other equipment being used in the area, in order to minimize or
eliminate interference with Wi-Fi or other channel specific or limited bandwidth equipment.