Cisco uBR924 Router Hardware Installation Guide
OL-0338-01 (3/2000)
Chapter 1
Product Overview
Cisco uBR924 Cable Access Router Description
Figure 1-3
Cisco uBR924 Cable Access Router Provisioning Overview
For more detail on the provisioning process, see the DOCSIS 1.0 Radio Frequency
Interface (RFI) specification (SP-RFII01-990731 or later revision).
After the Cisco uBR924 router goes online, it sends traffic between the attached CPE devices and the
network (Internet, Intranet, VoIP). The service provider typically uses DHCP to assign IP addresses to
the CPE devices. The number of IP addresses each subscriber can obtain depends on the services
purchased from the provider.
Provisioning Prerequisites
The following requirements must be met before a router can be provisioned:
All required CMTS routing and network interface equipment must be installed, configured, and
operational. This includes all headend routers, servers (DHCP, TFTP, and TOD), network
management systems, and/or other configuration or billing systems required for your network.
Based on the quality and capacity of your cable plant, your system administrator or network planner
must have defined your network’s IP address allocation plan; spectrum management plan outlining
the recommended operating parameters to optimize performance; channel plan identifying the
channels available to assign to specific Cisco uBR924 routers; and dial plan to match the supported
VoIP protocol.
A CMTS customer service representative must have recorded all needed subscriber information,
initiated a work order, and arranged an installation date with the subscriber. For subscriber sites that
support multiple telephones or fax devices on a telephone line, all wiring associated with the
telephone line extension must be in place. Inside wiring must be in compliance with the country of
operation to prevent degradation of service.
CMTS Interface
Power on
Establish synch and wait for UCD
Obtain upstream parameters
Use temporary SID
Extract slot info and upstream
channel to use
Start ranging
Transmit ranging packet with SID
DHCP request/TFTP boot request
Now in allocated slots
ToD Request
Registration Request
Send QoS Parameters
Now in allocated slots
Cisco uBR900 series online
MAP Broadcast
Contains timesharing info
Send UCD
DHCP Response:
Contains IP addresses
Default gateway, TOD server
TFTP server address
TFTP boot config file name
ToD Response
Registration Response
Contains Assigned SID
Cisco uBR900 series registered
Fail if QoS not available
or authentication failed
Cisco uBR900 series Cable Access Router