D1535805 User Guide In-Room Control for Touch10. Produced June 2017 for CE9.0. © 2015–2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved
Overview of Widgets
About Widgets
The Touch10/DX In-Room Control panel is composed of user
interface elements called widgets. You can find the complete
widget library in the right pane of the In-Room Control editor.
tab: Buttons with custom text, group buttons, toggle
button, sliders, text fields and more.
tab: Buttons with familiar symbols for Home, Power, Arrow
up/down/left/right, Camera controls, Loudspeaker controls,
Microphone control, Media player controls, and more.
Each of the widget type available are described on the
following pages, with emphasis on:
Commands that change the value of the widget
Events that are sent (pressed, changed, released, clicked) and
which actions trigger these events
Examples of commands and events, both in terminal output
mode and XML output mode.
Syntax and semantics for all events, commands and statuses that
are related to in-room controls (user interface extensions) are
included in the Command reference chapter.
The Widget Identifier
All widgets on a Touch10/DX in-room control panel need a
unique identifier, a Widget ID. The Widget ID may either be
defined by you, or assigned automatically. The Widget ID can be
any name or number; we recommend using a descriptive name
without special characters. The maximum number of characters
is 40.
The Widget ID is the programming link between Touch10/DX,
the video system, and the control system. The Widget ID will be
included in all events that are associated with a widget, and you
must use the same identifier when you send commands to that
widget via the code that you write for your control system.
Group Identifiers
One of the widgets, the Group button, has two types of
identifiers: The Widget ID refers to the complete group of buttons,
while Group IDs are unique identifiers for the individual buttons
within the group.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
A Group ID is assigned automatically, but can be defined by you
instead. A Group ID can be any name or number; we recommend
using a descriptive name without special characters. The
maximum number of characters is 255.