Cisco Media Gateway Controller Node Manager Installation Guide
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MNM
Troubleshooting Common Installation Problems
Related Topics
Cisco Media Gateway Controller Node Manager User Guide, Appendix C, “Troubleshooting Cisco
“Problems Installing an Element Manager on Cisco EMF”
in the “Troubleshooting” section of the Cisco
Element Management Framework Installation and Configuration Guide, 3.2 Service Pack 7
Table 2-5
Troubleshooting Installation Problems
Suggested Steps
No local DVD-ROM
drive is available.
Use these steps to mount a DVD-ROM drive on a remote system:
The steps below show you how to mount a DVD-ROM drive on a
remote system. These steps provide general information only. For
more information, refer to the Sun Solaris documentation or consult
your IT administrator.
Insert the DVD-ROM in the DVD-ROM drive of the remote system. The
DVD-ROM should work normally on the remote system. If it does not,
consult your IT administrator.
The DVD-ROM is mounted as /cdrom/cdrom0.
Log in to the remote system as the root user.
Use the following mount command to mount the DVD-ROM on the
remote system:
mount -F hsfs -r ro /dev/dsk/
-F indicates the type of file system (hsfs for the ISO 9660 standard).
-r ro mounts the DVD-ROM in read-only mode.
device_filename is the name of the device, such as /dev/dsk/cxtyd0sz
where x is the DVD-ROM drive controller number, y is the DVD-ROM
drive SCSI ID number, and z is the slice partition on which the
DVD-ROM is located.
Edit or create the /etc/dfs/dfstab file to include the following line,
which sets the NFS attributes to read-only:
share -F nfs -o ro -d “NFS description” /cdrom/cdrom0
/cdrom/cdrom0 is the name of the directory to be shared.
Log in the local system as the root user. If the /cdrom directory does not
already exist, enter the following command to create it:
mkdir -p /cdrom/cmnm
Mount the DVD-ROM drive by entering the following:
/usr/sbin/mount -r remote_host_name:/cdrom/cdrom0
The DVD-ROM drive on the remote system is mounted.