Cisco Media Gateway Controller Node Manager Installation Guide
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MNM
Performing a New Installation of Cisco MNM
Step 3
From the Method drop-down list, click Broadcast or Direct, and continue with one of the following sets
of steps:
For Broadcast Method
Enter the host name or the IP address of the XDMCP destination host in the Host name field. Or
choose the XDMCP destination host from the Host name drop-down list.
If you do not know which XDMCP destination host to choose or enter, contact your system
Click Connect.
For Direct Method
Enter the host name of the XDMCP computer in the Host name field,
Click Connect.
In either method, an X terminal window opens on the host machine. Start Cisco MNM in the usual
manner (see the
“Starting Cisco MNM” section on page 2-16
If the Cisco EMF Launchpad displays but appears to be inactive, check for a message box behind the
Launchpad that reads “[T]here are insufficient colors available for Cisco EMF Manager.” You can safely
ignore this message and close the message box, or remedy the problem as described in the
Insufficient Colors Problem” section on page 2-19
Creating a Connection from a UNIX WorkStation
To connect to Cisco MNM from a remote UNIX workstation, use the following procedure:
Step 1
Open an X terminal window.
Step 2
Use Telnet to connect to the Cisco MNM host.
Step 3
Enter the following command to change to the Cisco MNM directory:
cd <CEMF_ROOT>/bin
Step 4
Enter the following command to launch Cisco MNM:
./cemf session
Fixing Insufficient Colors Problem
You may encounter the “… insufficient colors available for Cisco EMF Manager” problem. To fix this
problem, see the procedure in the “Configuring Reflection X Version 7.20 to Support Cisco EMF Color
Usage” section of the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Administration Guide at