Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
Wireless-G ADSL Gateway with SRX200
1. To connect to the Gateway, go to the web browser, and enter or the IP address of
the Gateway.
2. Enter the username and password, if asked. (The default username and password is admin.)
3. On the Setup screen, select the option
Keep Alive
, and set the Redial Period option at 30 (seconds)
(this will keep the connection to the ISP and will not disconnect.
4. Click the
Save Settings
button. Click the
tab, and click the
5. You may see the login status display as Connecting. Press the F5 key to refresh the screen, until you
see the login status display as Connected.
6. Click the
Save Settings
button to continue.
If the connection is lost again, follow steps 1- 6 to re-establish connection.
15. I can’t access my e-mail, web, or VPN, or I am getting corrupted data from the Internet.
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) setting may need to be adjusted. By default, the MTU is set
If you are having some difficulties, perform the following steps:
1. To connect to the Gateway, go to the web browser, and enter or the IP address of
the Gateway.
2. Enter the username and password, if asked. (The default username and password is admin.)
3. Look for the MTU option, and select
. In the Size field, enter 1492.
4. Click the
Save Settings
button to continue.
If your difficulties continue, change the Size to different values. Try this list of values, one value at a time,
in this order, until your problem is solved:
16. The Power LED flashes continuously.
The Power LED lights up when the device is first powered up. In the meantime, the system will boot up itself
and check for proper operation. After finishing the checking procedure, the LED remains steady to show that
the system is working fine. If the LED continues to flash after this time, the device is not working properly. Try
to flash the firmware by assigning a static IP address to the computer, and then upgrade the firmware. Try
using the following settings, IP Address: and Subnet Mask:
17. When I enter a URL or IP address, I get a time-out error or am prompted to retry.
Check if other computers work. If they do, ensure that your computer’s IP settings are correct (IP Address,
Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS). Restart the computer that is having a problem.
If the computers are configured correctly, but still not working, check the Gateway. Ensure that it is
connected and powered on. Connect to it and check its settings. (If you cannot connect to it, check the
LAN and power connections.)