Setup Menu
Menu Item
Output Mode
Select the DPM output mode
for the current output.
With the exception of
Full DPM Control
selecting a mode will configure
the DPM settings to achieve the
specified behavior. In this way,
they act as DPM presets.
Config Type
is changed
Edited by
It is highly recommended to
use either one of these basic
modes, or, for advanced setup,
enter the DPM mapping before
setting the
Output Mode
No Output - No MPEGoIP output will be
Passthrough - All PEs will be set to Pass and
other DPM settings will also be set.
Service Chans Only - This is similar to
Passthrough, except that only channels
applied to program entries are available on the
MAP Passthrough - The output will be
identical to the input, except that channels
assigned to PEs and PIDs will be mapped
using the DPM settings. If the input is tuned to
a valid channel, the PEs are automatically set
to Map. Otherwise, the PEs are automatically
set to Drop. When selecting MAP Passthrough,
the option to re-sync will be provided. If you
, it will set the DPM mapping to the
last valid (or saved) configuration. If you select
, it will use the existing DPM maps. If the
PE is mapped, it uses the last saved output
MAP configuration. The output map (for
example, output channel PMT) does not
change automatically if the input or channel
number is changed.
MAP Svc Chans Only - This is similar to MAP
Passthrough, except that only channels
applied to program entries are available on the
output. If the input is tuned to a valid channel,
the PEs are automatically set to Map.
Otherwise, the PEs are automatically set to
Drop. When selecting MAP Svc Chans Only,
the option to re-sync will be provided. If you
, it will set the DPM mapping to
match the current input. If you select
, it
will use the existing DPM maps. If the PE is
mapped, it uses the last valid input. The
output map (for example, output channel
PMT) does not change automatically if the
input or channel number is changed.
Full DPM Control - The output will be
generated according to the DPM setting.
Transcoding - The output will be generated
using the DPM MAP settings, except that the
DPM action (Act) will be set to Xcode and the
Descramble Mode will be set to Descrambled.