Command or Action
Activates the added software install package, and reloads
the device.
install activate
Step 3
• When doing a full software install, do not provide a
package filename.
Device# install activate
• The
keyword, automatically rolls
back the software image activation.
The automatic timer is triggered after the new image
is activated. If the timer expires prior to the issuing of
install commit
command, then the install process
is automatically terminated. The device reloads, and
boots up with a previous version of the software image.
(Optional) Terminates the software install activation, and
rolls back to the version that was running before current
installation procedure.
install abort
Device# install abort
Step 4
• You can use this command only when the image is in
an activated state; and not when the image is in a
committed state.
Makes the changes persistent over reload.
install commit
Step 5
• The
install commit
command completes the new
image installation. Changes are persistent across
reloads until the auto-abort timer expires.
Device# install commit
(Optional) Rolls back the update to the last committed
install rollback to committed
Step 6
Device# install rollback to committed
(Optional) Deletes all unused and inactive software
installation files.
install remove
file filesystem: filename
Step 7
Device# install remove inactive
Displays information about the active package.
show install summary
Step 8
• The output of this command varies according to the
commands that are configured.
Device# show install summary
Booting a Device in Bundle Mode
There are several methods by which you can boot the device — either by copying the bin file from the TFTP
server and then boot the device, or by booting the device straight from flash or USB flash using the commands
boot flash:<image.bin>
boot usbflash0:<image.bin>
The following procedure explains how to boot the device from the TFTP server in the bundle mode.
System Management Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.x (Catalyst 9500 Switches)
Performing Device Setup Configuration
Booting a Device in Bundle Mode